Privacy Policy

Last Updated: 22 August, 2022


This privacy policy explains why, when, and how Logo Pros USA will collect and use the personal data of website visitors of

This policy also talks about the rights of website visitors that provide their personal data to Logo Pros USA when visiting

Please feel free to reach us at for any queries and concerns.

What is Logo Pros USA?

Logo Pros USA is a design agency that creates custom logos, websites, animations, and more. The website, collects and uses personal data for various purposes, and takes complete responsibility for the collection and usage of private data.

We value the privacy of our website visitors and realize the responsibility on our shoulders with the information that you share with us. This privacy policy contains important information about how your personal information will be used.

We insist that you read this policy carefully to have a clear understanding of how your personal data will be used. Please do not use the website if you do not agree with our policies.

Please feel free to reach us at for any queries and concerns.

How and why does Logo Pros USA collect information?

Please note that we will collect the following data and use it for the said purposes:

  • Contact Information: We will collect contact information, including your name, email address, job title, company name, and country via the form on the website or when you sign up for the newsletter. We use this information to keep you updated with our services and other info.
  • Cookies: We will collect your IP address and info about your browser, device, and location. Read more on the use of cookies mentioned below.


We collect information to identify your device and browser and know more about which website pages fall in your area of interest.

We use an alphanumeric text file that gives us insights into your engagement with our websites. Cookies may reside on your website for a single time or until you delete or after it expires automatically.

Cookies allow us to improve your web experience by presenting information that you are likely to prefer. You may choose to reject the cookies which may result in a compromised web experience.

How and why do we collect contact information?

We may collect your contact information, including but not limited to your name, email address, phone number, and postal address.

Please note that we do not collect or use any information without your consent. We keep a record of the information we collect only to respond to your queries.

Here is how we are likely to collect your contact details:

  • When you fill out the form for contacting us
  • When you sign up for our newsletter
  • When you schedule a call with us

When sharing your contact information, you give us the legal consent to use the information to contact you and provide better service.

Third Parties

Logo Pros USA may share your data with third parties and data processors for the reasons mentioned above. We will share the data to meet legal obligations if needed to investigate and prevent prohibited activities, such as fraud, hacked, and more.

Your Rights as a Website Visitor

As a website visitor, you have the following rights which may vary in some cases:

  • You can ask if and how Logo Pros USA will process your personal data
  • You have the right to ask to change your personal data, such as email address
  • You can ask us about how to delete your personal data
  • You can object to how Logo Pros USA plans on processing your data

Please feel free to reach us at for any queries and concerns. Let us know about your concerns in detail so that we have a better understanding of your queries and reluctance.

We will try to have you on board, but if you wish to have your personal information removed from our database, we shall do so and notify you upon successful deletion. We will provide a detailed explanation if we cannot comply with your request due to legal obligations.

Changes to the Privacy Policy

We may update our privacy policy time and again to meet legal obligations, adopt modern technologies, and provide better services to our website visitors.

Please revisit this page to stay updated with our current privacy policy. We shall add the effective date at the top of this page.

Contact Us

Get in touch with us at for any questions or concerns. Thank you.

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